
T4G Day 2, Session 1

We’re not the only show in town. Thought I came to the wrong conference from Canada. I debated which conference to attend. The machinery at the snow conference looked impressive, but I

Judge Not

Is it wrong to judge others? Yes and no. Stan Fowler writes about how the command to judge is often misunderstood: When I look at Jesus’ words in their context and consider the

A vision of future hope for the world

Heard in Tim Keller’s sermon from last Sunday: So our salvation lies not in an escape from this world, but in the transformation of this world. Everything good and true and beautiful

The starting point of a new world

The resurrection of Jesus offers itself, to the student of history or science no less than the Christian or theologian, not as an odd event within the world as it is but as

The Achievement of the Cross

Recent debates about the meaning of the cross may serve one purpose: they make us take another look at the cross and its meaning. When talking about the cross, we typically make two