
Movie Scenarios

Scenario One Man goes to movie store. Sees DVD that wife would enjoy. Rents said DVD. Gets kids to bed. Wife takes longer to come than planned. Starts DVD. Man falls asleep within

Canadian World Domination

From: Canadian World Domination: Welcome to the General Headquarters of the Campaign for Canadian World Domination! Your future tyrants are General Claire and General Jenny. The Generals are Canadian chicks who are taking

Leadership “Leak”

From Morph: Out of the interior life of the leader flows a certain kind of aura, ethos, and culture. I call this the leadership “leak.”…What is going on inside of us automatically

Robertson Davies

The late Robertson Davies, one of my favorite authors, would have been a great blogger. I’m savoring a collection of his early letters, written from 1938-1975. After reading the following letter, I

What I’ve Learned about Blogging

Here’s what I’ve learned about blogging so far – some good, some bad: 1. Hits and links aren’t everything – Some blogs get them; some don’t. It’s a status symbol