I confess to what has to be one of my greatest mistakes ever:
Four or five years ago I was unhappy with my own preaching. I knew something was missing, but I couldn&
One of the great responsibilities of a preacher is to help congregations…catch a glimpse of what an adventure it is in our little times and little places, to be part of this
A DVD resource from Desiring God:
Man-centeredness pervades our world. Even in the church, a gospel is often preached that makes man the focus and puts God at the edge. People become God
Last October, I heard James Grier speak on preaching in a postmodern culture. The whole day was excellent.
During a Q&A, I asked him how long it to prepare sermons well.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted on one of the ways that sermons can go off target at Christmas. In an effort to preach relevant sermons, preachers sometimes miss the theocentric purpose