
Garrison Keillor on preaching

I’ve heard a lot of sermons in the past 10 years or so that make me want to get up and walk out. They’re secular, psychological, self-help sermons. Friendly, but of

Preaching to Postmoderns

J.D. Greear on preaching Scripture focused on Christ rather than on us: The Bible was not primarily intended to explain to us what we should do for God, but to point us

Center Preaching on God

A good reminder from Biblical Preaching: Based on the nature of Scripture, I think it is vital that we grasp the necessity of theocentric interpretation, and consequently, preaching.  Kent Edwards, in a journal

Which gospel?

David Powlison contrasts the therapeutic gospel with the once-for-all gospel in this very helpful essay, and asks: Which gospel will you live? Which gospel will you preach? Which needs will you awaken and